How to buy $COOKIE using other cryptocurrencies on Bitget?

To buy $COOKIE with crypto:

Step 1: Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner.

Step 2: Click on β€˜Deposit.’

Step 3:

  • Choose the cryptocurrency you want to deposit (in our example, USDT) and select a network supported by your exchange or wallet from which you plan to send cryptocurrency (in this case, BSC).

  • Then, copy your address and send crypto from your other exchange/wallet to the copied Bitget address using the same network.

Step 4: Hover over the β€˜Trade’ button and click on β€˜Spot.’

Step 5: Search for $COOKIE.

  • Hover over the arrow next to the overview of the trading pair.

  • Find $COOKIE in the search bar.

Step 6: Select - Spot, Buy, and Limit.

Step 7: Enter the amount of USDT you want to exchange for $COOKIE and confirm by clicing β€˜Buy.’

Congratulations, you just bought $COOKIE!

Last updated